The National Green Tribunal passed an order on 28th April this year saying that the solid waste disposal procedure of Guwahati city’s is not being scientifically managed by the GMC.
About that order now a Senior officials of the GMC has said that “Segregation of garbage at source is the most important step for municipal solid waste management. That is the most difficult thing to do. Achieving garbage segregation and treatment depends on inculcating behavioural changes among Guwahatians at their homes.” He further said, “To be able to inculcate that level of commitment among the city dwellers is a challenge. We can only comment that we will be working towards that goal. It is up to Guwahati to say when it can happen”.
Guwahati Municipal Corporation (GMC) has been dumping 550 mertic tonnes of the city’s garbage in the West Boragaon without segragation. Un-segragated, untreated waste filled up the site in the west boragaon.