New York witness to different kinds of Winter Storm


New York is witnessing a record breaking cold and winter storm across the country. The storm called the ‘blizzard of the century’ has almost killed more than 60 people nationwide. Many people have been trapped inside their cars under the heavy snow banks. Emergency service are trying to rescue the residents of the state, the meteorologists have warned the civilians because the situation are becoming worse and storm that the New York state had faced since the Buffalo Blizzard of 1977.

The President of United States , Joe Biden has issued an emergency declaration allowing support for  New York state.

Meanwhile, The Niagara falls has been covered in ice, the surroundings area of the fall witness to a wave of sub-zero temperatures. This has transformed the falls to change into a partially frozen winter wonderland . The falls have been frozen as the winter storm of the century moves over the US. 

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