Kazakhstan Declared State Emergency for Protesting


Kazakhstan January 6 :The President of Kazakhstan declared  a two week state emergency in the part of the country after protest over the rising fuel price in the Central Asian Nations in Almaty and in the western Almaty province.

Thousands of protester marched towards the centre of the Almaty and a big demonstration were reported in several areas across the country. The security forces used to fired tear gas and flashbang, grenades’ at  demonstors but they were unable to stop them
According to local media while Kazakhstan’s business lobby group said it’s members were reporting cases on attacks on banks, store’s and restaurant.
The protests have shaken Kazakhstan’s image as a political stable and tightly controlled nation. Which it has used to attract hundred of billions of dollars of foreign investment into its oil and metal industries. The protesters marked the biggest threats so far to the regime establishment by Kazakhstan’s.
The President said that attacks on government offices by protestor were absolutely illegal and also declared and emergency in Almaty and in the western province of Mangistau. The emergency measure there will include an overnight curfew and ban on mass gathering.

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